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High School Students

  • Students with EXCUSED ABSENCES ONLY are responsible for making arrangements with the teacher to make up work and assignments missed while absent.  

  • The student must obtain a pre-arranged absence form from the attendance office in advance of the absence.

  • A student is consider tardy to class after the bell rings unless excused by a note from the school personnel.  3 tardies per 9 week period = 1 unexcused absence.  Missing 15 minutes or more of a class constitutes an absence.

  • Upon returning to school a student must present a note or other appropriate documentation explaining an absence within 48 hours of the student's return to school.  Otherwise the absence may be considered as unexcused.

  • Students and families violating  the state truancy law (15 unexcused absences within 90 calendar days, with or without the knowledge of the parent or legal guardian [Section 1003.01 (8), Florida Statutes] accumulated tardies and early departures shall be considered unexcused absences.  Students and families violating the state truancy law may face court action. [Sections 1003.24, 1003.27 and 1003.29, Florida Statutes].

  • The Department of Highway and Motor Vehicles may not issue a driver's license or learner's driver's license to, and shall suspend any previously issued license of any such student. (Sections 322.091 and 1003.27 Florida Statutes).

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